
Manage the way your site is displayed on mobile devices.


The following settings can be found in the BasicMobile panel.


Use the Breakpoint setting to define the device size at which the desktop header is replaced with the mobile version.


Let the navbar stick at the top of the viewport while scrolling or only when scrolling up. There are three options available to control the navbar position and its behavior.


Select the alignment of the logo.

Menu Toggle

Select the alignment of the menu toggle icon. The toggle will only show up, if content is published in the mobile position.

Show the text label Menu next to the hamburger icon.

Select the menu type displayed in the mobile position.

With Offcanvas and Modal animation, you can center the menu item and the content vertically.

Offcanvas Animation

Choose between Slide, Reveal and Push offcanvas animations. Optionally, you can display the offcanvas bar on the right.

Modal Animation

Use the modal animation to display the menu in a modal.

Dropdown Animation

Choose between Slide and Push dropdown animation.

Last updated