
Learn how to uninstall the Helix Ultimate based template.

There are two main parts to WarpTheme Joomla Template: the Helix Ultimate framework and the template itself. Therefore, there are two main parts to the uninstallation process.

Unsetting the Template as Default

To uninstall the Joomla template, you will first have to ensure that it is not set as the default template. Go to System Site Template Styles, select the checkbox to any other site template, e.g: Cassiopeia and click Default in the button toolbar.

Uninstall the Template

Go to SystemManageExtension then search for the template name, e.g: Enterprise

Select the template and click Uninstall button.

Uninstall Helix Ultimate framework

If you wish to uninstall the Helix Ultimate framework plugin, you can follow those steps:

Go to SystemManageExtension then search for: Helix

Select System - Helix Ultimate Framework and Helix Ultimate based template installer, then click Uninstall in the button toolbar. Helix Ultimate plugin will now be uninstalled.

Last updated