
Learn how to update your WarpTheme without losing your customizations.

If a newer version of your theme or Helix Ultimate is available, you will receive a notification in the Joomla back-end.

Update Helix Ultimate

Helix Ultimate framework can be updated using the Joomla update system. Whenever a new version of Helix Ultimate is available, you will receive a notification in the Joomla control panel.

Update Joomla Template

If a newer version of your theme is available, you will receive a notification in the theme settings. In that case, just visit the Account page and download your template package.

You would just need to download the latest Template package, and install at SystemExtensionsInstall. Select the Choose File button and locate the downloaded ZIP and click Upload & Install to begin the update.

There is no need to uninstall first as the files will be updated during the installation process.

Last updated